Do I need an accelerator?
Almost always, yes. This doesn’t mean that you’ll always use accelerator, but once you’ve used accelerator you’ll find you don’t want to be without it.
Does Hot Stuff™ work on everything?
Almost any material or combination of materials can be bonded with Hot Stuff glues.
How do I align the parts before the glue cures?
If the materials are relatively non-porous, do all the positioning first. Once a perfect fit is achieved, apply Hot Stuff Original to the joint. If necessary, Hot Stuff may be applied to more than one location along the bond line. Example: bonding two one-inch rubber cubes together. Four small applications, one at each side, would be in order.
How do I keep from putting on too much glue?
Remember the rule of thumb “one drop covers a square inch”, keeping in mind that more may be necessary to accommodate a poor fit, porous materials, or both.
How do I keep my glue fresh?
Bottles in use should be stored in a cool, dry area; extra, unopened stock in the FREEZER.
How do I know how much glue to use?
A good rule of thumb is that one drop covers one square inch of non-porous material. Of course, more glue is needed if the material is porous and soaks up the glue.
How do I know which Hot Stuff™ to use?
Use Hot Stuff™ Original when the fit is very tight and the material is non-porous. (i.e. piece of plastic and a piece of flat rubber). Use Super ‘T’™ or Special ‘T’™ when parts don’t fit well. (i.e. two pieces of unsanded wood) or for very porous materials such as the end grain of a piece of wood. Naturally, more porous material requires thicker glue.
How do I use Super Solvent?
To open – puncture tip with safety pin. 1. To remove glue from skin – Wet a soft cloth with solvent and apply to glue for 30 seconds. Wipe clean. Repeat as necessary. Wash with soap and water. Do not use this method while wearing fingernail polish. 2. To break existing bonds – Apply solvent directly to bond. Repeat at one-two minute intervals until bond can be separated with gentle force. 3. To remove glue from surfaces or fabric – Apply solvent to glue. After one minute, apply again and rub gently with soft cloth. Repeat until glue is removed. Wash with soap and water. Note: US-1 may discolor fabric or paint finishes. You should always test on a sample or inconspicuous area before usage.
Is Super Solvent a thinner?
No. Super solvent is only meant for dissolving cured glue. Any foreign material mixed with these glues (i.e. using this solvent as a thinner) will cause an unstable condition resuling in a decrease of bond strength and shelf life.
What can I use in an emergency if I don’t have fiberglass cloth on hand?
Practically any woven material, such as a T-shirt will work. Fiberglass and Kevlar, are by far the strongest.
What is the difference between ‘Hot’ and ‘Mild’ accelerator?
‘Hot’ NCF accelerator cures the glues much quicker. The choice between ‘Hot’ and ‘Mild’ is usually a personal preference. As a general rule, if you use mostly HOT STUFF Original (the fastest HOT STUFF) and Super T, we suggest ‘Mild’. On the other hand, if you tend to use the thicker, slower Special ‘T’, we suggest the ‘Hot’ formula.
When wouldn’t I use accelerator?
In situations where the glue is applied first and some positioning time is necessary.
Why do I need solvent?
With glues this strong, it is always wise to have a bottle of solvent on hand. Unbonding misaligned parts and removing glue from fingertips are common uses of Super Solvent.
Why doesn’t the glue always dry instantly?
The more glue that is used in a given bond area, the slower the cure will be. For instance, a puddle of glue on a glass surface may not cure for hours. In these circumstances, instant glues tend to act like they’re still in the bottle. Should a large quantity of glue be necessary, as with making a fillet, using our accelerators will cause an almost instant cure even in this extreme scenario.